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What changes can intelligence bring to tire enterprises?

What changes can intelligence bring to tire enterprises?

来源:本站 | 2022-01-20

With the continuous development of the times and the rapid progress of science and technology, the global industrial 4.0 wave is coming, and the strategic plan of "Made in China 2025" is implemented to promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, including tires. In this context, large tire enterprises such as Triangle, Double star, Wanli and Sentury have invested a lot to build "Intelligent tire plant". Is intelligence really such “magical”? What can it bring to tire enterprises?

Intelligence can improve the competitiveness of enterprises: Recently, “Tire world.com” conducted a questionnaire survey on "What intelligence can bring to tire enterprises" through website and We-chat platform. The result showed that 42% of people believed that intelligence can reduce the production cost of enterprises; 39% believed that intelligence can greatly improve the production efficiency of enterprises; The remaining 19% believed that intelligence can improve product competitiveness. This result has shown that intelligence has reduced cost and brought efficiency to the development of tire industry, which has been generally recognized by people in the industry. What was the main driving force for enterprises to establish intelligent tire plants? The answer to this question also proved the important role of intelligence in reducing costs and improving efficiency from another perspective. The result showed that 40% of people chose the cost of traditional production mode is too high; 38% chose to improve product competitiveness; 17% chose to comply with the national trend of "integration of two modernizations"; Another 5% chose other.
