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Good news! The silent tire manufacturing equipment of Link-Asia has passed the first (set) important equipment certification in Jiangsu Province 喜报!大阳城集团娱乐游戏公司静音轮胎装备通过江苏省首台(套)重大装备认定 Link-Asia participated in the 22nd International Rubber Technology Exhibition in Shanghai, China 大阳城集团娱乐游戏公司参加第二十二届中国国际橡胶技术展 Good news! Congratulations to LINK-ASIA for being recognized as national specialized and sophisticated "Little giant" 喜报!祝贺大阳城集团娱乐游戏通过国家专精特新“小巨人”认定 Congratulations on the inclusion of an industry standard led by Link-Asia to the plan list of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology! 祝贺大阳城集团娱乐游戏作为第一起草单位编制的行业规范列入工信部计划名单 Warmly welcome Academician Jin Donghan, President of Tianjin University, and his delegation to visit Link-Asia 热烈欢迎天津大学校长金东寒院士一行莅临大阳城集团娱乐游戏指导交流 Warmly welcome President Xu Wenying and her delegation from China Rubber Industry Association to visit Link-Asia 热烈欢迎中国橡胶工业协会徐文英会长一行莅临大阳城集团娱乐游戏公司调研 首条全柔性制造的TBR轮胎在淮安下线 The first fully flexible manufactured TBR tire has been produced in Huai'an 大阳城集团娱乐游戏公司携创新技术亮相《德国汉诺威轮胎技术展》