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Mr. Xu Wenqing, Secretary of Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Zone, visited Link-Asia to investigate the epidemic prevention and resumption of work and production

Mr. Xu Wenqing, Secretary of Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Zone, visited Link-Asia to investigate the epidemic prevention and resumption of work and production

来源:Link-Asia | 2022-03-30

On March 4, 2022, Mr. Xu Wenqing, the secretary of Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Zone and other leaders visited our company to investigate the epidemic prevention and resumption of work and production.


During the investigation, Mr. Xu asked with great concern whether this round of epidemic had an adverse impact on production and operation of our company, carefully learned the current situation of production and sales of our products, and gave relevant policy guidelines and valuable opinions.


Mr. Ma Shuanghua, the founder of Link-Asia, warmly welcomed Mr. Xu Wenqing and his colleagues, expressed sincere thanks to Mr Xu for caring and coming to our company. Mr. Ma made a report about the epidemic prevention measures taken by our company and the results achieved during the epidemic. At present, the company has resumed normal production. The picture below shows Mr. Ma Shuanghua is accompanying Mr. Xu to visit our workshop.



